Treats for a Cure
At Cookie Tray, we believe that giving back should be everyday and not just one day a year. We are excited to announce our sweet line of giving back treats. 30% of all proceeds after cost will be donated back to charity for these sweet treats.
Cookies for Cure
The best chewy chocolate chip cookies that you’re family will love! These cookies are crispy on the edges, with a soft, chewy center, and gooey with melted chocolate chips. Just one bite and you will know why a special little boy loves them.
Cookie Tray loves someone with a rare disease. 100% of the proceeds after cost will be donated to the A-T Children's Project. Please go A-T Children's Project to learn more about this wonderful organization.
Jeans for Rare Genes
Want to create a pair of your own "rare" jeans? Doodle cookies lets you show your creativity in a fun way. Each kit comes with 6 cookies and 2 edible markers so you can create your own jeans. 100% of the proceeds after cost will be donated to the A-T Children's Project.
Pretty in Pink
Cookies that give back are just the sweetest cookies of all. 100% of the proceeds after cost will be donate to Let's Cure Cancer Forever, a breast cancer foundation in the Hudson Valley that provides outreach services to patients and families facing breast cancer. Please go
To PLACE a local order
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